Why the Name "Eagles & Saints"??

You may wonder why we named our company Eagles & Saints. First of all, we see this company being like one of our children and just as we prayed about the name of each of our children, we wanted to pray about the name of this company.  We were really close to calling it so many other names but we never really felt peace about it until one day my eyes fell on the term "Eagles & Saints." I think it had to do with sports, the Philadelphia Eagles vs. New Orleans Saints...but I heard the Lord say "that's it, that's the name I want for your company!" I was hesitant because I didn't want people confusing us with sports teams but God helped me understand.

Biblically, eagles represent so many powerful things for us as believers. There are many references to eagles in the Bible like Isaiah 40:31 which speaks of God giving us strength to soar like eagles. God often uses eagles as an analogy of how He cares for His children, that we are covered under the shelter of His wings (Deuteronomy 32:11, Exodus 19:4 and Psalms 91). 

Most of all, eagles represent the prophetic nature of God.  One of the most well- known facts about eagles are their powerful sight.  As God's children, co-heirs with Christ, we're meant to soar in Heavenly places with Christ (Colossians 3:1-3) and see life and those around us from a Heavenly perspective. God wants us to have His sight as we go through life, that whatever circumstances come up in life - conflicts, confusion, whatever, we can find comfort, encouragement, clarity and understanding through Him.  If this is a new concept for you and your like ??? please check out one of our favourite teachers on the prophetic, James Goll. He is helps us understand the prophetic and the mysteries around it through the Word. Here's a great article from him on how we're meant to live like eagles: 

Where Eagles Dare to Fly - by James W. Goll - God Encounters Ministries

As it relates to our brand, our designs came from prophetic revelation. So while we were worshipping, as we fell asleep or even dreaming, or when we were just out and about, God would interrupt our imagination with an image and a message. He wanted us to honour that through our name. 

The Saints part is because we're not just sinners saved by grace, we're SAINTS! We're not meant to live a subsistent, ho-hum life under the weight of sin, guilt and shame, heck no!  Jesus didn't do all that work of dying on the cross for that!  He was raised from the dead so we can also be raised up from our dead, old man.  We're a new creation in and through Him.

The Bible verse that states that Christians are saints in 1 Corinthians 1:2, which says, "To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy."  In the King James version the "holy" part is "saints" because it comes from the same root word as holy or sanctified. Through the finished work of Christ on the cross, His blood has sanctified us, perfected us already even though we are still being made holy here on earth (see Hebrews 10:14). For other verses on our sainthood, check out Ephesians 2:19, Revelations 8:3-4 and 1 Peter 1:15-16.

When we focus on our identity as sinners, that keeps us in a cycle of sinning!  When we focus on our identity as victorious overcomers and conquerors, it shifts how we see and believe in ourselves and who Jesus is in and through us. It was a serious game changer for me, serious shift in mindsets that shifted the way I lived! 

Thanks for reading this, hope it inspires and encourages you in some way.  If you're interested in learning more about the prophetic, leave a comment!  And if any of this raised any questions in your heart, would love to help you process through that. Just reach out to our email eaglesandsaintsclo@gmail.com


Love ya's,


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