Convo's Around Jesus Merch
It took me a while to decide to wear my faith, I saw it as a cheesy thing to do, mostly cause I didn't even really know God. I was worried like what if someone asked me a question about my faith when I didn't really have one!
I realize now that I didn't have to put so much pressure on myself, that even if someone asked a hard question that it's ok to say I don't know! What you do know about God is what matters. Your ability to be real and authentic about where you are in your journey is what speaks to people. Letting people know God doesn't need us to be perfect or have all the right answers to come to Him. He loves when we're just real with Him.
So our merch right now isn't too controversial that it'll bring up touchy subjects. Wait till we come out with our Abolition Collection haha! The truths we have on our shirts are simple and foundational to one's walk with Christ. The Door design invites people to understand Jesus' love for them, that He knocks on the door of everyone's hearts waiting for us to say yes, come on in! Some of our designs will be evangelistic in nature, sharing about who God is to us (KING, THE DOOR). Some will affirm and empower who we are as sons and daughters (CONQUER, COURAGE, GOD'S OWN). Some will just tell the world what the Kingdom of Heaven is like, like our JUSTICE shirt for example. I'm gonna write a separate blog about that because that's big on God's heart right now in a world that is screaming justice and equality but is doing in a way that is not God's design...
I feel like the best way to deal with people who ask questions about our shirts is to be real with what you know, definitely don't try to fake it till you make it. If the person asking the question isn't a Christian, telling a personal story connected to the message on the shirt always speaks volumes to them. I've found throwing a Bible verse at them doesn't hold as much weight as a real story from your own life that they can relate with. So like if someone asks what does God's Own mean? There's many ways to answer this but what comes to your heart right away? What does it mean to you personally? Does it remind you that your God's son or daughter? Is it a reminder that are God's and don't feel like you need to be owned by the world? It can just mean so many things, but being real with what it means to you is what will speak to people - Christian or pre-Christian!
I haven't really been asked by a Christian about the messages on my shirt, they're usually just giving high fives haha but sometimes there are Christians who wonder where the Bible verse on the shirt is. Like we're not really proclaiming God if we don't have a verse attached to it and I don't believe God moving through our messages is hindered by a verse not being on it. Of course there is power in the Word of God but we also believe God's Presence is effective too. We pray over our clothes, over the people printing it, every part of the processs we can think of and ultimately praying the blood and anointing of Jesus over every stitch of our clothes. We are believing God's Presence to move in the lives of those who wear our merch.
And speaking of the Word of God, it definitely helps to know and understand the Scripts as we call it! Having the Word in our hearts (Psalms 119:11) so that it'll come out of us when we need it. I have definitely had so many hard conversations with Christians and God would bring certain Scripture verses to my heart to explain His heart to them. Thanks for reading, hope it was quick and painless enough haha, shoot us a message on any of our socials if you wanna dive deeper in knowing how to read the Bible or understand how to hear God's voice!
- Tami